A literary work can touch people heart when they read, they are not aware that they trickling of tears together soluble on emotional. Novel form a step from literary work that have purpose for educate and confort. Novel have contents idea, emotional, opinion, and understanding about what that happened on society wether in around of the reader. For get the mentioned meaning, the writer choose a literary work novel by Dave Pelzer have a title The Lost boy. the writer using theory that suggested by Jakob Sumarji & Saini (1986, 65-66) about identify the characters. To undestanding the meaning that implied from character. In this research, the researcher use qualitative method especially is descriptif method. Method is used are describing or portray an object. For that, the researcher use methode of Suhendar dan Supinah. According to Suhendar and Supinah (1993:18) Descriptive qualitative method is a method of describing or depicting an object of interest for the reader to sympathize or experienced anything like what is experienced and perceived by the author. It can be concluded that Dave Pelzer is form the main character because his name always rise on the story. In this story Dave Pelzer described of the author that Dave is the figure is have multi individuality. From result of analysis the main character and the factors that influence change attitude of the main character above can conclusion is The main Charcters of dave Pelzer have multi character that changes as follow: Thief, diligent, dream and vision, goodself, coward, confident, adapted, happy, resclusive, brave, modest, hothead, annoyed, worried, tense, nervous, faithful, attentive, sincere, open, smart and worker hard. Keywords: Literature, Novel “Lost Boy”.